FIREFIGHTERS mounted a guard of honour at Acomb Fire Station in York - to remember a former colleague who has died.

Normally the service members would have attended Reg Deighton’s funeral yesterday.

But coronavirus restrictions meant that was not possible.

So they asked if they could pay tribute to Reg - who retired more than 30 years ago - at the fire station where he began his career.

Reg retired in the early 1980s after about three decades defending York and North Yorkshire residents from fire and other dangers.

Station Officer Tony Walker said: “When you join the fire service you join a family.

“When we hear of the passing of a former colleague we want to do whatever we possibly can to give that person the best possible send off.

“We always try. They served the community. We want to give something back.

“Unless the family don’t want it, we always have an attendance at the funeral.

“But we couldn’t do that.”

So after it was confirmed that the hearse carrying Reg on his final journey would pass Acomb Fire Station, the service arranged its special tribute.

North Yorkshire’s Chief Fire Officer Andrew Brodie and Deputy Chief Fire Officer Jon Foster joined crews from Acomb and Huntington Fire Stations.

As the hearse arrived on Tuesday, they lined up on the station forecourt on Boroughbridge Road and came to attention - to bid him farewell and as a mark of respect.

“We put on a guard of honour for him,” said Station Officer Walker.

But, because of coronavirus safety measures, it was not a normal guard of honour.

All those taking part maintained social distancing and stood two metres apart.

The hearse then completed its journey to Reg’s funeral.

Reg joined the fire service in the early 1950s and is believed to have completed three decades in the service.

He rose to be assistant divisional officer before retiring. Those who served with him praised him as a person and as a firefighter.

North Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service maintained full fire cover for the entire county throughout the tribute, the service said.