A CAT cafe, croquet club and nail bar are among the businesses that have stepped up to help share vital gloves, masks, goggles and aprons to protect frontline workers.

City of York Council appealed for anyone in the city with spare personal protective equipment (PPE) to get in touch.

The local authority said it already has enough PPE for its own workers - but that there are shortages nationally.

The council said following its appeal, offers of help have come from a croquet club, a cat café, hairdressers, plasterers, dental practices and nail bars.

The items needed are disposable gloves, plastic aprons, black bags, masks, eye protection goggles, alcohol-based hand sanitiser and hard surface wipes.

Anyone with spare useful PPE they would like to donate should email PPE@york.gov.uk.

Council leader Keith Aspden said: "Social care is at the frontline of the coronavrius outbreak and I know that in York, our staff are doing an incredible job in extremely difficult circumstances. They are, of course, also doing a dangerous job, putting themselves at risk to protect those most vulnerable."