Through your newspaper please may I thank those kind people who helped us on Easter Saturday when my wife had a fall in All Saints Churchyard in Huntington.

My special thanks to the man out walking who called an ambulance for us and then stayed as ‘look-out’, and also another person whose name I remember was Ruth, a children’s nurse who lives in Wigginton.

Their help and Ruth’s extra professional attention was wonderful and invaluable. When we decided to cancel the ambulance and called a taxi to get home instead, Ruth offered to pay the fare. I refused to let her only to discover when we got home that she had quietly paid the taxi driver before we left.

Our sincere and grateful thanks doesn’t seem to be enough, but we hope this story will impress your readers. Our thanks again to those concerned.

Tony & Karen Baker,

Hartrigg Oaks,

New Earswick, York

Thank you Caleb - and The Press!

As one who is disabled and cannot leave home regardless of lockdown, I rely on others for the outside news and information: local radio and, of course, the Press, which I am fortunate to have delivered daily.

Just before Easter Caleb, who deliverers it to my letterbox, also brought an Easter card for me. I was very grateful for such an act of kindness from your delivery person, which accompanied your much-appreciated news.

Thank you - and Caleb - so very much.

The Reverend Father Stephen,

Brownlow Street, York