So MPs are to receive an additional £10,000 allowance in addition to all their other expenses and allowances. This apparently is to assist them in working from home. We are told that this is fully justified and will be subject to the same scrutiny as normal expenses.

Well, we all know what that means! At a time when so may have seen their jobs furloughed, reduced or disappear altogether, when charities and small businesses have simply had to cease trading with their rents and other debts still having to be paid, just what justification is there for this?

It would be very interesting to know just what sacrifices, if any, our local MPs have made? Have they volunteered to accept just 80 per cent of their salary up to a maximum of £2,500 a month? Are they helping others by shopping, delivering food and other necessities? Somehow I think not, but then I would be more than happy to be proven wrong.

If others are as annoyed by this news as I am, there is a petition on which already has more than 180,000 signatures. Please take the trouble to sign.

Harry Edessis,

Osbaldwick, York

My money-saving tips for the Chancellor

When normality returns and the Chancellor of the Exchequer is looking for ways to save money, may I suggest he disbands all Government quangos, forgets HS2, culls layers of useless procurement managers in the NHS, makes no further payments to Brussels and demands MPs repay the £10,000 extra expenses allowance.

Peter Rickaby,

West Park, Selby