A NUMBER of York residents have come up with their own unique ways to raise money for a mental health charity through the lock down.

Three people from the city have been using their initiative to develop creative ways to fundraise for York Mind.

Holly Taymar Bilton, a local singer-songwriter based in South Bank, has so far raised over £1,000 from her ‘Lockdown Jukebox’ challenge.

Holly, who also works for York Mind, is learning a new song for YouTube every day in exchange for donations from fans of her music during the pandemic.

She said: “I wanted to use the extra time I had during the pandemic to do something positive, in the light of so much negativity and cancelled plans.”

“I know it can be hard to motivate yourself sometimes when life looks so different now, but having a focus every day is really helping me.

“The people requesting songs have been so appreciative, and knowing that the money I’m raising is helping local people through the work of York Mind always gives me a lift, even on bad days.”

Alfie Thomlinson has come up with a ‘hair-raising’ way of bringing in the cash with ‘Covember 19’ – encouraging people to ‘stay home, save lives, stop shaving’ and get sponsored to grow a moustache or ‘anywhere hair’ during the lockdown.

Alfie said: “We know loneliness is heavily linked to mental health issues, and it is more important than ever to remember those around us and bring the community together.

“We just want to share smiles with everyone.”

Alice Bentley, who had a birthday during social distancing, set up Facebook’s ‘Birthday Fundraiser’ tool means that you can raise donations for York Mind in lieu of gifts.

Alice said: “I couldn’t do all of the nice things I’d planned for my birthday, and because I couldn’t go out for drinks, I asked my friends to donate what they would have spent in the pub.

“York Mind have helped me so much in the past year – it was the least I could do.”

Bev Benjamin, operations manager at York Mind, said: “It`s at times like this that we really come together as a community to support those that need us.

“Every pound that you fundraise for York Mind is appreciated and helps us to continue delivering services. Alfie, Alice, Holly and many others have come up with some innovative fundraising ideas and we have more ideas on our website. A massive thank you to all our fundraisers.”

York Mind are offering support online and over the phone through the nationwide lock down period.

For more information about York Mind, to fundraise or to make a donation, visit www.yorkmind.org.uk.