A YOUNG singer from York performed a concert for her neighbours recently to raise funds for the NHS.

Roxy Hurst, 11, decided that she wanted to lift the spirits of those who live near her in Rufforth during the lock down period.

She performed four songs that she saw as “positive and uplifting,” which included the song ‘Titanium’.

Tracy Hurst, Roxy’s mother, said: “It was really lovely to see.

“The whole cul-de-sac gathered around with their chairs and a few drinks to watch - all while keeping a safe distance.”

Roxy managed to raise over £200 from her concert, which was all donated to the NHS over the weekend, to help them in the battle against coronavirus.

Roxy is planning to perform another concert for the NHS on May 8 - VE Day.

Tracey said: “We’re hoping that the whole village might get involved and donate this time.

“We have had £40 donated so far from our friends down South.”