DOCTORS in York and North Yorkshire have put out a reminder to non Covid-19 patients that the NHS is still open to them.

North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) says it is concerned patients may be putting off using NHS services for illnesses not related to coronavirus (Covid-19). The CCG is reminding patients that GP services, pharmacies, NHS 111, out-of-hours services and emergency departments are all still available to patients.

When accessing your GP surgery this is likely to be through a telephone triage service initially and patients will be directed to the most appropriate care.

NHS North Yorkshire CCG Clinical Chair, Dr Charles Parker, said: “Whilst it is really important to follow the government guidance to stay home during this period, it can be confusing to know what to do when you are feeling unwell.

“We need to ensure people are still accessing help, particularly with serious illnesses as these conditions have not gone away just because of coronavirus. NHS 111, hospitals and GPs are still providing the same care they have always done.

“It can be very dangerous to put off getting seen as you can put yourself at risk of late diagnosis of things such as cancer, heart attacks and stroke.

“We have noticed that children in particular seem to be presenting less, and we are urging parents to make sure they are using the right service for their child if they are displaying worrying symptoms.”

Access to the GP may initially by telephone as GP practices are still advising patients to only attend in person if they are specifically asked to. Surgeries across North Yorkshire will be offering video and phone consultations for those who are not asked to attend in person.

Patients should still dial 999 in the event of a life threatening emergency.

For further advice on how to best use the NHS visit: Patients can also continue order repeat prescriptions on the NHS App and through their GP surgery website, where available. Find out more about ordering medicines online at