THE police in North Yorkshire have backed a campaign to tackle the threat of online radicalism during the Coronavirus crisis.

Co-ordinated by Prevent and with a focus on its “Let’s Talk About It” website, it is aimed at young and vulnerable people who could be at risk of being groomed by extremist individuals and groups online.

As with crimes such as fraud, child abuse and child sexual exploitation, the closure of schools and colleges has increased the chances of young people falling victim to online radicalisation while following the current social distancing and self-isolation rules.

Detective Superintendent Allan Harder, Head of Safeguarding at North Yorkshire Police, said: “During the coronavirus pandemic when we are all becoming more reliant on communicating online, it is essential to be aware of the dangers of online radicalisation and where professional help and support can be readily accessed.

“While such cases are rare, it is still important for parents, carers and young people themselves to be aware of the negative influencers and groomers who use the internet, social media and online gaming to spread extreme ideas.

“Some of these ideas may be considered radical or extreme, and when a person starts to support or be involved in them, this is called radicalisation which is a very serious matter for the police.”

If you have an immediate concern that you need to share with a trained professional who will treat your enquiry with understanding and discretion, please call North Yorkshire Police on 101.

Follow @TerrorismPolice and @NypPrevent on Twitter to keep up to date on Prevent activities.

If you see or hear something suspicious, report it in confidence at