A BAKERY with stores in York is now offering a discount to NHS staff, along with emergency services and care home staff.

Cooplands bakery, with shops across neighbourhoods in the North East, Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, will be offering a 20 per cent discount to staff on the front line in the battle against coronavirus.

Belinda Youngs, Cooplands CEO, said: "It’s impossible to put into words the gratitude and respect we owe to all those working around the clock to keep us safe and supporting our most vulnerable in this difficult time."

"To show our support and enormous thanks, we are introducing a 20% discount on our full range of products in shop to those that working in the NHS, emergency services and care homes."

The 20% discount will also be available to Care and Residential Homes that wish to place a larger order for their residents, using the ‘Call & Collect’ service.

Cooplands shops that are located in communities remain open to support those who do not want to venture to larger stores and to provide food-to-go for key workers.

All staff are following Government guidance on social distancing and hygiene to protect all team members and customers.