LIBRARY card holders can now read national newspapers and magazines online for free during the coronavirus lockdown.

York Explore has expanded its range of online resources - thanks for £17,000 of emergency funding from City of York Council.

The organisation has signed up for a Press Reader account - and also has ebooks, audiobooks and other services available through its website.

Cllr Darryl Smalley said: “Our libraries are a lifeline for many at this time. Whether it’s reading a good book or exploring the many resources Explore has to offer, it’s providing a vital service now more than ever, particularly for residents living on their own.

“We’re delighted to be offering this additional funding to enable Explore to continue providing our communities’ with support virtually during the current restrictions. Thanks to this investment, York residents now have free access to over 7000 newspaper and magazine titles – what better way is there to pass the time in the coming weeks.”

Visit to read online or sign up.