FUNDRAISER extraordinaire Captain Tom Moore will be the guest of honour when the Harrogate NHS Nightingale hospital is formally opened next week.

The 99-year-old Yorkshire-born war veteran has raised more than £23 million for NHS charities by walking more than 100 laps of his garden.

Sir Simon Stevens, NHS chief executive, said: “On behalf of the NHS our heartfelt thanks go to Captain Tom Moore for his remarkable fundraising efforts for NHS charities, and to the public for their generosity in supporting him and our staff.

“Inviting Capt Moore to be our guest of honour at the opening of NHS Nightingale Yorkshire and Humber is the least we can do to thank him for his inspiring service and example, and no doubt there will be further ways in which we will be able to express our gratitude.

Capt Moore said: “I am still amazed by the amount of kindness and generosity from the UK public who continue to give despite it being an uncertain time for many. I think the amount raised demonstrates just how much we all value the dedication and sacrifices made by our NHS workers. I have fought during a war and they are now fighting in a war too.”

“I’m honoured to be opening the NHS Nightingale Yorkshire and Humber and to get to thank many of the NHS workers directly. I know that having extra beds available for the sick, if needed will be reassuring to those workers, as it would have been to me when I was on the frontline.”

At the daily Downing Street press conference, the local government secretary Robert Jenrick said: "I cannot think of a more worthy person to be the guest of honour at the new Nightingale hospital in Harrogate next week."