A JUNK food project which helps reduce food waste has delivered dozens of bags of food to York people during the lockdown.

Organisers of Planet Food York: The Real Junk Food Project say it is one of the community food providers still operating in York.

"In the last four weeks of lock-down, we have distributed an average of 50 food bags each Thursday to people in Micklegate, which serves in total upwards of 115 adults and children," said spokeswoman Beverley Hadfield.

"We are also serving families who choose to collect from Fishergate and Holgate,especially now since Red Tower and YourCafe have closed during the lock-down."

She said Planet Food had been set up by herself and Rosie Baker with a strong team of volunteers, using ward funding in January 2019 and was now able to employ a kitchen manager, Toby Bach.

"We set it up to reduce food waste as we use 99 per cent intercepted surplus food destined otherwise for landfill." She said it received input from York Food Poverty Alliance, which Rosie used to work for.

Rosie said:"I sincerely thank every one of our committed volunteers who bring so much and care so much about building community and feeding people. I am privileged to work with you."