A FURTHER six patients with the coronavirus have died at hospitals run by the York Teaching Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, taking the total number of fatalities to 76.

The deaths had happened at York Hospital and Scarborough Hospital by 5pm yesterday, and The Press has asked for a breakdown of the fatalities between the two hospitals.

The trust said earlier today that by 5pm on Saturday, out of 70 deaths at the trust, 44 had been at York and 26 at Scarborough.

NHS England said this afternoon that nationally, a further 429 people who tested positive for the Covid-19 had died, bringing the total number of confirmed reported deaths in hospitals in England to 14,829.

The figure is down for the second day running but the statistics can be affected by the deaths happening over a weekend.

The NHS said the patients were aged between 40 and 101 years old, and 15 of them, aged between 49 and 92, had no known underlying health condition.