MORE than 300 people across York - and the planet - have taken part in a virtual 5K run in memory of former York cricket club captain Dan Woods.

The runners, many wearing cricket gear, helped to raise almost £19,000 so far for York Hospital’s Magnolia Centre, which supported Dan in the year before he died of cancer last month.

Dan’s sister-in-law, Hannah Stanwix, who helped to organise the weekend event, said: “We were blown away by how many people took part and their generosity.

“There were friends of Dan who completed their 5k in Australia, the USA and Germany, people running across the UK and many running at their local cricket club.

“One of Dan’s Cheshire teammates even ran 5k in singles between the wickets at their local cricket club.”

She said Tom Brooks, the York team’s 1st XI wicket keeper took part in his full wicket keeping kit, while Alex Collins, a York club player and good friend of Dan’s, ran in full cricket kit with his children Alex and Jessica, Dan’s goddaughter.

She said more than £18,600 had been raised by yesterday lunchtime on the funding page,

“We’re keeping the fundraising page open until after the service to celebrate Dan’s life, which will be arranged for a date once the coronavirus situation has settled down.”

The run, which marked what should have been the start of the 2020 cricket season, became a virtual event, with people running on their own around their gardens, on the spot or as part of their daily exercise, because of the lockdown.

Dan, 32, of Clifton Moor, was a teacher at both St Peter’s School and Cundall Manor, and one sponsor posted they were "so thrilled" to be able to support the cause, having been deeply saddened by news of the death of a "truly vocational teacher".