The last few weeks have been tremendously difficult, but our communities, businesses and residents in York have gone the extra mile to help each other through.

We want to thank York organisations and businesses for their incredible response to our appeal for additional personal protective equipment (PPE).

Recently, we wrote to the Government underlining the need for additional PPE for the adult social care sector and asking for assurances about supplies. Although the council’s care team currently have sufficient PPE, stocks are low and it is essential that we continue to ensure sufficient PPE for health workers in the weeks ahead.

At time of writing we had already had 15 businesses – ranging from a local croquet club to hairdressers – contribute unused items such as plastic gloves, masks and eye protection goggles, thank you.

Our health workers are doing an incredibly important job and putting themselves at risk to protect the most vulnerable.

At City of York Council we will do everything we can to ensure their safety and we are grateful for any extra equipment we can receive to help save lives.

If you can help please contact

Cllr Keith Aspden,

City of York Council Leader,

Fulford, York

Cllr Carol Runciman

Executive Member for Health & Adult Social Care

Earswick, York