YOUNG dancers from a Yorkshire dance group have been invited to send in video clips of them performing to help them build a digital platform.

East Riding Youth Dance (ERYD) term had to be shortened by three weeks because of the government restrictions currently in place.

However, all the young dancers have been invited to submit video clips from home so that ERYD can create a snapshot of each of its group performances and build a digital platform to showcase the work that dancers have created this term.

Lauren Frost of East Riding Youth Dance said : “Our aim is to inspire people to move and come together as a community, with the focus that, although we are temporarily separated due to isolation, we can come together and create something inspiring and artistic.We are also encouraging people of all ages to join in and highlight that dance is indeed for everybody.”

The videos will be published online next month via the ERYD social media platforms.

Alongside this, East Riding Youth Dance are working with their artists to run weekly sessions via the Facebook page and Instagram - they are pre-recorded but open to anyone to get involved and have a dance.

The Platform event that should have taken place at Bridlington Spa at the end of April has also now had to be cancelled due to the coronavirus outbreak.