YORK St John University, which has close links with the business community, has thrown its weight behind The Press campaign to support the city's economy.

Supporting Local Businesses is helping to spread the word about what family and independent businesses are doing to survive the Covid-19 crisis, from online trading and doorstep deliveries to virtual classes.

It has helped more than 160 operators with the help of its commercial partners.

Professor Karen Bryan, vice chancellor, said: "York St John University has been at the heart of York for nearly 180 years. During that time we’ve seen the city and its people overcome many changes and challenges. York has always shown the innovation and community spirit to keep adapting and thriving.

"Our university’s relationship with local businesses is something we have always valued. Some of those businesses have been established by our graduates, and some employ them. Some have given young people their first opportunity to get experience in the workplace. Many provide our students and staff with services and products that we need and love. The close connection between business and education is essential to a city’s success. Now more than ever we really need to help each other."

She said the university was proud to be a campaign partner.

"We are proud to be partnering with Newsquest’s Supporting Local Business campaign. This is part of the wider package of support that York St John is contributing across York and the wider region.

"This includes providing equipment and facilities for frontline services, staff and students volunteering in the community, and offering online courses and support to those who are more vulnerable.

"We are determined to play our part in helping York and the wider region recover strongly from this global crisis. Whether this is through our central mission to provide education, training and research for the benefit of everybody, or in the day-to-day things we can do to help local people and businesses. As a community university we are determined to make a difference."

Other campaign commercial sponsors include Drax Group and Portakabin/ Shepherd Group, alongside Barnitts in York, Langleys Solicitors, City of York Council, PAPI and Synergy Commercial Finance. 

The Press is offering free adverts, which will appear on three days, through the campaign to eligible businesses which are complying with government guidelines.

To discuss becoming a commercial campaign partner with The Press Supporting Local Businesses campaign, email Advertising Director, Jane Hanson at jane.hanson@localiq.co.uk

For the advert offer contact Nicola Haigh on Nicola.haigh@localiq.co.uk