HUNDREDS of crime victims and defendants face uncertainty for an indefinite period as lockdown creates ever lengthening backlogs at York and North Yorkshire courts.

Only urgent and custody cases have been heard in the county’s courts for a month.

York Magistrates Court is postponing first hearings in all bail cases for two months. Hundreds of cases are already affected including allegations of serious sexual and violent crimes.

All jury trials due to be held since March 23 have been adjourned with no firm date set for when they could be heard, leaving witnesses not knowing when they will have to give evidence.

Even before the lockdown, York Crown Court was having to list some trials six months into the future because of the then existing backlog.

York defence solicitor Kevin Blount said:”Justice delayed is justice denied. People simply want their cases to be concluded, whether it goes in their favour or not. It’s worse not having a case resolved, one way or the other.”

Courts, lawyers and others were all doing their best to deal with the situation, he said, but it was inevitable there would be delays.

Assistant chief constable of North Yorkshire Mike Walker said earlier this week officers were working with victim support teams to help witnesses and victims with the uncertainty and holding regular meetings with the criminal justice system to deal with problems and look at solutions.

He was speaking to the county’s police crime and fire commissioner Julia Mulligan on Facebook.

Mr Blount said the delay was affecting some of his clients. “There’s nothing worse than knowing you are going to get a sentence and you don’t know what it is,” he said.