TOWER Street could be the place for York's first lockdown cycle lane.

Part of the road has been cordoned off since the beginning of March so that workmen could safely repaint Castle Mills Bridge.

Now the council's transport executive holder Cllr Andy d'Agorne is asking officers if the bollards could remain in place during coronavirus restrictions so that cyclists and pedestrians can exercise and observe social distancing safely.

"Far more people are out walking and cycling about," he said. "With the dramatic drop in traffic on the roads, some pedestrians are walking in the road to keep their distance from others walking the other way.

“By giving more dedicated road space to cyclists and pedestrians whilst traffic levels are lower we will make roads safer for everyone.”

“Cities across the UK and Europe are implementing similar measures and it seemed since the cones were already out it was a sensible place to trial this in York.

"There is still a legal process to follow even for temporary measures, but I am keen to see what can be done as simply and cheaply as possible on a temporary basis."

Last weekend York Cycle Campaign started a petition for the city council to cordon off sections of roads.

The bridge maintenance work was done by contractors and Cllr D'Agorne is hoping the council will ask the contractors to leave the bollards in place.