THE former chief executive of York's Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Dame Julia Unwin, has a new role in the city - as Pro Chancellor of York St John University and chair of the governing body.

Dame Julia, who lives in York, led the Rowntree Foundation and the Joseph Rowntree Housing Trust for 10 years before stepping down at the end of 2016, and was made a Dame last December for services to civil society.

She commended staff and students for their response to the impact of the Covid19 pandemic, saying: “This is an extremely challenging time for many universities and I know that that staff at York St John University are focused on supporting students and providing the best possible teaching and learning experience.

"At the same time, I see individual acts of kindness and volunteering from staff and students that are making such a huge difference to our community."

A spokesperson said that following Professor Karen Bryan’s appointment as Vice Chancellor earlier this month, and the recent appointment of Reeta Chakrabarti as Chancellor, Dame Julia’s role as chair of the governing body brought together a trio of experienced and highly-regarded female leaders at the university.

Dame Julia takes over from Ann Green at the beginning of August.