A group of York-based keen quizzers have provided their top 30 team names for people to use during the lock down period.

The phrase ‘pub quiz’ has become one of the most popular online search terms in the UK, with the latest Google Trend data showing a ten-fold increase in the number of online searches using this term since the quarantine began.

Millions of Brits are turning to hosting or participating in virtual pub quizzes as a way of keeping in touch with family and friends and injecting some much-needed fun and entertainment into their daily routines.

But, as any regular quizzer knows, one of the most important, and often trickiest challenges that confronts any quizzer at the start of a quiz is coming up with a witty team name that triggers a laugh from fellow competitors.

However, members of the SpeedQuizzing group in York have come up with 30 named for people to choose from and placed them into categories:

Quarantine-themed names

·       Quentin Quarantino

·       Nerd Immunity

·       Panic at the Tesco

·       I get locked down, but I get up again

·       Professor Quiz Whitty

·       Quaranteam

·       Wuhan Clan 


Drink-themed names

·       Tequila Mockingbird

·       Know it Ales

·       A Few Beers Short of a Six-Pack

·       Win or Booze

·       Smarty Pints

·       Gin’ll Fix It

·       The Brewsual Suspects


Celebrity-themed names

·       Quizee Rascal

·       Quiz Hurley

·       Eddie Quizzard

·       Quizteama Aguilera

·       John Triviaolta

·       Quiz Tarrant

·       Beyonce Know-Alls


Oldies but goldies

·       Norfolk ‘n Chance

·       Universally Challenged

·       Big Fact Hunt

·       Not So Great Expectations

·       Comfortably Dumb

·       I’m Smarticus

·       Show Me the Monet

·       Les Quizerables

·       Let’s Get Quizzical