A UNIVERSITY in York has appointed a new Chair of Governing Body and will start their role later in the year.

Former Chief Executive of the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, Dame Julia Unwin DBE, will become Pro Chancellor and Chair of York St John University's Governing Body from August 1.

Dame Julia, who lives in York, has worked across multiple sectors during her social campaigning career, including as a charity commissioner.

Commenting on her new role, Dame Julia said: "This is an extremely challenging time for many universities and I know that that staff at York St John University are focused on supporting students and providing the best possible teaching and learning experience.

"At the same time, I see individual acts of kindness and volunteering from staff and students that are making such a huge difference to our community.

"I am very proud to be joining an institution that has played such a critical role in the city of York for the past 180 years and am looking forward to supporting York St John University in its mission to provide education, training and research for the benefit of all."

Dame Julia will succeed Ann Green CBE whose nine-year tenure as Chair of the Governing Body and Pro Chancellor comes to an end on July 31.

Professor Karen Bryan, Vice Chancellor at York St John University said: "With her long track record of influence as a senior leader, published author, commentator, non-executive director and consultant both in the UK and overseas, Dame Julia’s expertise will be highly valued as she joins us as Chair of the Governing Body.

"On behalf of the University, I thank Ann Green for her years of service and dedication to York St John, and for her commitment to our growth, strategic direction and place at the heart of the community."