A FOSTER carer from York has been nominated for a Community Pride award for her work supporting those struggling through the coronavirus pandemic.

Justine Whitelam, who lives near Kexby Avenue, York, has set up a food bank for the people in her local area to use if they are struggling to access essential items.

Justine, 51, said: “I just want to keep the community going.

“The communities are all working together through these tough times and its amazing.

“There are a lot of people struggling at the moment on this side of York so I set it up to help them.”

Justine operates the food bank from her own home, those in need can contact her in advance or come to her front gate to receive a package that Justine has put together.

Justine’s friends also help her to provide a delivery service to those who cannot travel.

The foster carer set up the food bank around four weeks ago and has a very positive response.

The food bank has had support from local organisations such as the Co-op in Tang Hall, who deliver fresh products to her daily.

Justine has been nominated by her next door neighbour and close friend, Kirsty Green. Kirsty said: “Justine is completely selfless and a pillar of our community.

“She has done this all off her own back and its amazing. She has a massive heart.”

On receiving the nomination, Justine said: “I’m really shocked.

“I just want to help people in every way that I can, I’m not bothered about being recognised for it.”

As well as Volunteer of the Year, the other awards include the Person of the Year Spirit of Youth Award, Sporting Hero, Charity Fundraiser, Public Sector Hero, Best Community Project, School of the Year, Child of the Year, Teacher of the Year, Good Neighbour of the Year and and Health Service Hero.

Entries can be posted to York Community Pride Awards, The Press, 84-86 Walmgate, York YO1 9YN. Or you can submit your nomination on The Press website.

The closing date for entries is Friday, July 24. Nominations must include a supporting statement of no more than two sides of A4 with each entry and should include a photograph, which we cannot return.