AN ELECTRONICS-based company in York has delivered close to 1,000 PPE disposable masks to care homes across the city – and has another 2,000 that it is looking to give to those in need.

Cyclops Electronics, based in Helsington, has donated 900 masks to the Joseph Rowntree’s Trust, The Woodland Trust, The Chocolate Works Care Village and a host of other care homes around the city.

Commercial director David Yodaiken said the company, which has offices around the world and has operated in York for more than 30 years, has the masks which are ready and waiting to be delivered to those who need them.

He said: “There may be some care homes who we have not been in contact with and we want to be able to donate these so they have some form of protection and aid for staff members who are working hard and helping to save lives in such a difficult time.

“The masks are, unfortunately, not of the necessary quality for the front-line staff, but they could help staff working in care homes or providing voluntary and secondary care.

“Our day-to-day role often includes procuring specific equipment, and so we put this to good use in sourcing the masks and want to do our bit to help those in need.”

The company has also been assisting the UK government in procuring PPE equipment.

David said that the company is part of one of the governments’ framework procurement schemes and will be working with several government services across the country.

In a tweet, The Joseph Rowntree Trust said: “We want to say a huge thank you to Cyclops Electronics Ltd for their kindness and generosity in donating personal protective equipment for our care services.

“It is fantastic to see local companies supporting our incredible team of staff.”

Meanwhile, The Woodlands Neurological Rehabilitation Care Home said that it received 300 masks from the company.

It added: “We really appreciate the help from local companies such as Cyclops.

“It helps us keep our supplies topped up throughout the pandemic.”

Mr Yodaiken added that any company in York which wants to get in touch can do at: