TIMES are challenging for the local newspaper industry.

The Coronavirus outbreak has hit us hard. Advertising revenue has declined and we are selling fewer newspapers because our readers are in lockdown and can't get out to the shops.

We completely understand why people are more reluctant to leave the house to go and pick up their local newspaper.

However, for us to continue to provide the best quality trusted local news and information – particularly during these times - we still need the funds to support our important journalism.

That’s why we are now offering you the opportunity to have your local newspaper delivered safely to your door, and the chance to register for a digital subscription for our website, so we can continue to provide you with the best possible trusted local news.

It couldn’t be easier to have your local newspaper delivered – just call 0800 953 0227 and our home delivery team will take your details securely over the phone.

We’ll arrange for the paper to be brought to your door free of any delivery charges for the next six weeks, over the peak of the pandemic, and you may have an elderly relative, neighbour or friend that this could be ideal for too.

If you would rather have a digital subscription, this will give you unlimited online access to your local news.

Registering for a digital subscription can cost as little as £1 a week and gives you access to a wide range of site features and content, including daily news and sports emails.


For those of you who do not wish to support us through a digital subscription, much of our content will still be free to read.

You will not need to subscribe for major breaking news stories, and vital coronavirus news and information will continue to be provided free to all users. 

I have been a journalist for more than 30 years.

During that time the industry has changed beyond recognition, but local newspapers are at least as important today as they were when I wrote my first report.

Indeed, the proliferation of fake news and unverified reports on social media and across the internet makes the case for vibrant, independent fact-checked local news stronger than ever.

So please help us by supporting local, trusted journalism with either a home delivery local newspaper order or a digital subscription.

There’s never been a more important time to do so.

We’re there with you – so please be there with us.

Thank you for your support.

Nigel Burton. Editor.