CONSTRUCTION work on the site of 69 new homes in York is set to restart.

Elvington-based construction company Lindum Group is reopening more of its building sites, including the affordable homes scheme on land off Windmill Lane, formerly owned by York St John University and situated around the David Lloyd gym.

The scheme for Yorkshire Housing includes 13 affordable rented homes, 39 shared ownership and 17 rent to buy units, and has been funded by Homes England.

The scheme was first granted outline planning permission in June 2017, despite neighbours presenting a petition, with more than 1,300 signatures, against the loss of the fields.

Lindum Group initially stopped non-essential work across Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and Peterborough following Government guidance, and furloughed more than 550 employees.

Lindum is choosing sites where safe working environments can be guaranteed, with strict new policies on hygiene and social distancing. Group director Freddie Chambers said safety remained the main priority.

“Initially we took the decision to halt all but essential construction work. This was the safest step to take as, like everyone else, we were dealing with unchartered waters,” he said.

“But, now we are several weeks further along, Government guidance is clearer and construction work can continue where it is safe to do so.

“The Construction Leadership Council has issued updated advice on safe operations during the Coronavirus outbreak. Taking these on board, we believe we are in a position to be able to restart some works and deliver on our promises to clients.

“We have strived to be financially sensible over the years, which means that hopefully we are in a strong position to navigate these difficult times. Now, a gradual increase in productivity means we can continue to maintain a sound business and look after employees, customers and suppliers in the long term.”

All employees who return to work will be given full inductions.

Among the measures in place for office staff are new one way systems and limiting use of toilet and kitchen facilities to one person at a time.

On site, teams will be required to familiarise themselves with the latest guidance issued by the Construction Leadership Council and ensure they stick to safe working practices, observing social distancing and hygiene measure.

It addition, subcontractors are being asked to update their Risk Assessments and Method Statements (RAMS) to follow the fresh industry guidelines. They must include measures to enable the practice of social distancing, additional hygiene practices and safe travel to and from work.