A WOMAN has told of the horrifying moment she saw a pit bull type dog attack a smaller dog near York's Millennium Bridge, causing fatal injuries.

The eyewitness said the larger dog was off the lead when it ran ahead of its owner to the little white dog and then launched its attack.

"It was completely out of control and not even letting go when its owner hit it," she said. "The Millennium Bridge field is full of families and small children playing as well as local dogs and their owners so I feel it’s important that I let people know about this incident.

"I’m not only concerned for other owners of small dogs but for the safety of children in the area.

"It was very traumatic. We were with our small white dog slightly ahead of the lady and the dog that died. Ahead of us was another witness who was with her husband and 6 month old child who had been playing on the grass.

"It was a warm evening so there were plenty of people about although thankfully a lot less families than normal."

The woman, who did not wish to be identified, said the attacking dog looked very much like a Pitbull breed, with silver-grey fur and blue eyes, and she had contacted the local police 'as I really do feel this is a dangerous dog.'

She added that the incident happened at about 5.45 pm on Saturday.

Jane Mowat, head of community safety at City of York Council, said Neighbourhood Enforcement officers were working with police to identify the owner of the animal that carried out the attack and would take action under the Dangerous Dogs Act, if appropriate.

“Anyone with information on this incident should contact the Neighbourhood Enforcement Team on 01904 551555 or email neo@york.gov.uk," she said.

“Every owner is responsible for their dog and ensuring it is trained, controlled and exercised safely and appropriately. We take reports of attacks by dogs on other animals extremely seriously and investigate and prosecute those who fail to control their pets."

She added that anyone who needed to report an attack by a dog on another dog or animal should phone 01904 551555 or email neo@york.gov.uk, but any reports of a dog attacking a person should be made directly to the police on 999 in an emergency or on 101 where there was no immediate danger.