A YOUNG boy from York has decided to use his time in lock down to be productive and support the NHS through these difficult times.

Kai Berkley-Craze, 8, attends Tang Hall Primary School in York.

He has decided that he wants to put his excess energy during lockdown to good use and support the NHS workers that are on the front line in the battle against coronavirus.

Kai is aiming to walk and run 100 miles over the course of May, starting today and finishing on the 31.

Kai said: “I’m not feeling nervous, I’m a bit excited and want to start running.

“I want to do it because I think it’s important to get some money for the NHS for things like masks to keep them safe and so they can still make people better and so that they know we care about what they do.”

His mum, Rebecca, praised her sons efforts, she said: “I am so incredibly proud of what Kai is doing. He makes me proud every day, but this is something really special.”

The youngster set a fundraising target of £500, which he has already beaten.

He will be wearing an activity tracker to record how far he does each day, it will include playing in the garden, taking his dog Rocky for a walk, and using a treadmill at home.

Between two lots of football training, as well as matches, Kai usually plays around five hours of football a week, and also takes part in the Heslington park run when he has time.

However, due to the coronavirus this has all been put on hold.

To donate to Kai’s efforts, visit: bit.ly/3f7lN4q