A JUNIOR football team from York have chosen to totally change their appearances to raise money for a diabetes charity.

Players from Rawcliffe Juniors Under 11s have decided they want to support Diabetes UK during the lock down period in the UK.

They have changed their appearances in a variety of ways.

Some players have shaved their heads or bleached their hair, while others have painted their nails.

Manager of the team, Paul Harvey, said: “The boys miss their football a lot, but they are also are great mates off the pitch, so this gesture shows their character.”

The team’s captain, Dylan Harvey, has suffered from Type 1 diabetes for around six years, which was the reason the player’s chose to support Diabetes UK.

Paul went on to say: “Choosing Diabetes UK on behalf of Dylan, is a great credit to them during a period where keeping in touch is so important.”

The team managed to raise a total of £102, all of which will now be donated to the charity.