CORONAVIRUS fines handed out by police in North Yorkshire are set to top 500 for the first time.

North Yorkshire Police is asking people to remember the 26,000 people who have died from Covid-19 as figures, published up to Monday April 27, show the force had issued 495 fines at 275 separate incidents, but since Monday this number is on track to pass the 500 mark.

Of those 495 who were fined, more than half (269) were visitors from outside the county including 149 from West Yorkshire, 30 from Cleveland, 10 from London and the rest from South Yorkshire, Kent, Lincolnshire, Nottinghamshire, Lancashire and Durham.

York Press:

The Craven area and home of the Yorkshire Dales remains the hardest hit by visitors flouting the rules with 121 out of 122 fines issued to visitors. While York and Scarborough have seen more fines issued to local people.

Of all the people fined, 41 percent are known to the police already.

York Press:

Police have once again thanked the vast majority of people who are staying at home, but ahead of the weekend, officers are asking people not be complacent because we are starting to see a reduction in the death rate, but to remember those 26,000 who have died and ensure we continue to stick to the Government guidelines and stay at home.

Assistant Chief Constable Mike Walker said: “Once again we have seen the vast majority of people keeping to the guidelines and only going out for essential journeys, but as our fines show, there is still a small minority who are flouting the rules. As we’ve said before, please remember why we have to do this, it’s not about finding loopholes to excuse non-essential travel, or meet up with friends, it’s literally the difference between life and death.

“We know North Yorkshire is a nice place and we understand why you want to visit. We will welcome you back with open arms when this is all over, but for now, please ignore the temptation, continue the good work that has already been done, we know it’s hard for many people, but please, for now, continue to stay at home and help save lives.”

Julia Mulligan, Police Fire and Crime Commissioner for North Yorkshire added: “As we saw last weekend, there are still far too many who don’t think the rules apply to them and don’t think they’ll spread the virus. My messages to these people is that the rules do apply, they can spread the virus and North Yorkshire Police will enforce the law to keep people across the county safe.

“I fully back the way our frontline police officers and staff are dealing with those who are flouting the rules, and pay tribute to them for their selfless work doing so. Let’s support them, stay home and save lives.”