A YOUNG boy from York celebrated his birthday on Thursday, with a special suprise from the fire service.

Teddy-George Cobley turned three-years-old on Thursday. As the country is in lock down, they were unable to celebrate properly with his friends and family.

Therefore, the youngster's dad, Aaron, organised a suprise for the fire service to come and celebrate his birthday with him.

Teddy's mum, Charlotte, said: "Even in the middle of a pandemic, the lads that came out in the fire truck made my boys day."

The fire service parked the truck right outside their home. Then, they handed Teddy a banner they had made themselves to wish him a happy birthday.

Charlotte went on to say: "Thank you so much to the workers that took time out of their day, to make a little boy happy."

Upon leaving, the firefighters sounded the siren in Teddy's honour.

The service have invited the family to go to the fire station once the lock down is over, so he can explore the truck properly.