A RESTAURANT in York, that has been supporting NHS front line workers, needs help from the public if they are going to continue.

Caesars Italian Restaurant, in Goodramgate, has been supporting staff at York Teaching Hospital in the battle against coronavirus.

They have been supplying staff with meals, to keep up their energy levels while they are working.

However, the restaurant is now very close to running out of stock, and needs some supply from local businesses if they are to carry on helping NHS staff.

Mustafa Sengun, a member of staff at Caesars, said: “We would like to continue to support our heroes, not only the NHS staff, but other emergency front line services as well such as police and firefighters.

“We also want to begin to supply care homes with meals if we can.”

The restaurant will continue to use their own resources and staff to make the meals for the NHS staff, but they need the ingredients to be able to do this.

Mustafa went on to say: “We use our own kitchen and cooking facilities.

“Our chefs are more than happy to prepare lunches for the NHS key workers. Our staff want to whatever they can to help.

“But, we need some sort of support to be able to continue this service. We need some sponsors that will be able to provide items like pasta, sauces and vegetables to use for our meals.

“Every little will help to create great contributions if we all work together to fight this virus and to support our NHS.”

As well as supplies, the restaurant may need some help with deliveries if they are going to increase their work load.

If you can provide support for Caesars, contact them by emailing york@caesars-restaurants.co.uk