A “ONE-man crime spree” has been jailed for targeting two branches of the same bargain chain store in York.

Jonathan Peter Paylor, 40, also raided the meat stores of a Chinese takeaway in a series of offences that continued after he was arrested and bailed, Jemina Stephenson, prosecuting, told York Crown Court sitting in Bradford.

He went on the run from York Magistrates Court after pleading not guilty to stealing more than £1,300 of toys from B&M’s Foss Islands Road store on October 21, and was convicted in his absence on February 17.

When he was rearrested three weeks later after more offences, he admitted a string of crimes and was remanded in custody.

“This was effectively a one-man crime spree,” said Judge Simon Hickey.

“I take account of the pandemic as it affects prison and as it affects prisoners.”

Kevin Blount, for Paylor, said he had served prison sentences in the past but this time was different.

“It has been a difficult and depressing experience being in custody on this occasion,” the solicitor said.

While on remand prisoners on his wing had contracted coronavirus.

“They have been kept on effectively 24-hour lockdown within their cells, all of them waiting to see whether they were going to come down with the virus."

Paylor, of Vernon Close, Bishopthorpe, pleaded guilty to three shop thefts, one attempted theft, one burglary, possession of cocaine, and three failures to attend court.

He was also sentenced for the £1382.87 B&M toys theft.

Ms Stephenson said Paylor had stolen items worth more than £2,600.

He had stolen £1,710.69 in total from B&M’s stores in Foss Islands Road and at Clifton Moor, £839.95 from two more stores and £100 in meat from the Tang Hall Chinese Takeaway.

The meat had been in cold storage in the restaurant’s back yard store room.

Mr Blount said Paylor stole to fund his drug habit and to pay drug debts.