RESIDENTS in a York village have refused to let the coronavirus pandemic prevent them maintaining an annual May tradition going back 75 years.

Children from the primary school in Poppleton have danced around a maypole on the village green every year since 1945, as part of a Children’s Sports Day also involving charity stalls, morris dancing, a band, miniature steam train rides and handicraft competitions.

Sherrie Wood, who chairs the organising committee, said members had been racking their brains over how to keep the event's spirit alive in its 76th year despite Covid-19, and decided the only solution was to create a Virtual Sports Day, spanning most of the month with weekly sports, handicrafts and fun household challenges posted online

A high spot is a Maypole Trail, with residents invited to make and display a maypole in their windows to create some fun and novelty to brighten up everyone’s daily exercise routine.

There will also be virtual maypole dancing, involving children being filmed dancing in their homes and handicrafts including handwriting, photography, painting and drawing.

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