PEOPLE from York, Harrogate and Knaresborough are coming together to make uniform wash bags for frontline workers, creating more than 2,000 so far.

Pillowcases and old duvet covers are among the items that the bags are being made from.

The idea is that after a shift, frontline workers can remove their uniform at work, put it straight into the bag then close it tight and pop it into their washing machine when they get home to prevent cross contamination.

The Facebook group Bag The Bug - Covid 19 - York, Harrogate & Knaresborough was set up a couple of weeks ago by Joanne Halliwell and her daughter Abbey, from York.

They were wanting something to do during lockdown and found a group called Bag the Bug based in the North West who were making the bags for NHS staff in Bolton.

They decided to make some bags and, after talking to the group's coordinator, set up a group locally.

The group got an immediate response, from people asking for the bags to offering to donate material, sew, help coordinate and to drive for them.

The North Yorkshire group now has more than 300 members and has made and sent in excess of 2,000 bags to local care homes, NHS staff, GP surgeries, ambulance stations and local hospitals.

Joanne said: "I think it just shows how in times of need everyone can pull together and do their bit - the community spirit has most certainly come out which is wonderful.

"Whether people have sewn 10 pillowcases or 100, or have donated one duvet cover or 10, every little helps."

Adrian Deligny, a care worker who received one of the bags, added: " The uniform bag is an excellent idea in order to help stop the spread of the virus at home. Before this I was putting everything in a bin bag which wasn't the best. It is important that during these difficult times everybody is united. This project has shown a unparalleled demonstration of solidarity and generosity. My wife and I are extremely grateful ."

The demand for the bags is still growing.

If any organisation requires bags or if anyone wishes to donate material (it must be able to be washed at over 60c) or can help in any other way, contact Joanne Halliwell via the group's Facebook page:, or email