TWO brothers from Strensall have raised hundreds of pounds for charity after donning superhero outfits and completing their own 2.6 challenge.

Morgan and Louie Spencer-Brame, aged eight and six respectively, dressed up as Captain America and Spiderman and walked 2.6 miles around Strensall every day from Monday to Friday last week, accompanied by their mum Stephanie and dad Jamie.

They walked holding a banner and a sign that said ‘beep beep’ for motorists driving by to beep their horns.

So far they have raised more than £700, which they will donate to the Marie Curie charity.

On Thursday, they dedicated their walk to Captain Tom Moore on his 100th birthday.

Stephanie said: "The boys really wanted to do something to help during the Covid-19 pandemic so when we heard about the 2.6 challenge we thought it would be good to put our one hour daily exercise to good use, and that's when we decided to do a 2.6 walk in superhero outfits.

"The boys have had a lot of support from the people of Strensall, they have been given lovely comments by passers-by and plenty of beeps from people driving by."

She added: "We chose to raise money for Marie Curie because my husband's godmother died of cancer a few years ago and Marie Curie looked after her." You can still support Morgan and Louie and make a donation on their Just Giving page: