THE government announcement that council workers with coronavirus symptoms can now be tested “should have happened much sooner”, a trade union has said.

The government has written to all local authorities in England to say council staff – and members of their households – are to be included in testing for key workers.

This covers social and care workers – with care home staff able to get tested with or without symptoms.

It also includes workers delivering “essential public services”, such as benefit payments and those working with vulnerable children and adults, victims of domestic abuse, homeless people and rough sleepers.

David Houlgate, branch secretary at the union representing Harrogate Borough Council staff, said: “We welcome this news but this should have happened much sooner."

“As we have said previously and the government is now saying, local government workers are the unsung heroes of this crisis, supporting communities across the country during the pandemic, from helping vulnerable people to ensuring our bins are collected.

“They need certainty and reassurance about their health whilst carrying out this essential work.”

Mr Houlgate said UNISON has also been pushing for essential council workers in Harrogate to be provided with face masks. But added: “We recognise, however, that there are difficulties in obtaining these.”

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