ARMED police swooped and one person was taken to hospital after reports of a disturbance at a flat in a York street today.

At least half a dozen police vehicles descended on a block of flats in Leeman Road - about 200 metres from the entrance to the National Railway Museum - and officers stood guard at the front and back of the building.

At least four armed officers were also deployed at the scene, said one eyewitness.

They said the incident started at lunchtime today (Monday) when they heard a "loud bang", and they then saw several police vans turn up, then a plain clothes officers’ car, and then a black van from which armed officers emerged.

“I saw two police armed officers walking along the pavement and then around the back of the flats, and then saw at least two more at the back,” they said.

“There was an ambulance there and I saw someone lifted off the ground and into the back of the ambulance, and saw it leave with police vehicles in front of it and behind.”

The Yorkshire Ambulance Service said an air ambulance helicopter was sent to the scene but was not needed, with a road ambulance being used to take one person to hospital.

Two eyewitnesses told The Press they saw similar police activity on Sunday evening at Martins Court, just a couple of minute’s walk from yesterday’s incident.

One said they saw numerous police vehicles, including a crime scene investigation (CSI) vehicle and an ambulance, at the scene.

The witness said they believed two people had been arrested and one person was taken to hospital by ambulance, and a police dog was brought in that was sniffing a car.

Another witness said: “There were about six police vans, following an ambulance, attending an incident here from about 5pm until quite late in the night. They did door-to-door inquiries.”

A North Yorkshire Police spokesman said at mid-afternoon today (Monday) that officers had been attending reports of a "disturbance" in the Leeman Road area.

“Officers have attended and are currently at the scene,” he added.

He could not make any further comment about the incident, or comment on any possible connection between this incident and the one reported to have happened on Sunday nearby.

The Yorkshire Ambulance Service spokeswoman said they had a record of a patient being taken to hospital on Sunday on a medical matter.