SEVERAL defendants learnt that committing crime has unpleasant consequences when they appeared before York courts this week.

York Press:

Daniel Edward Bruce is today in jail starting a 28-month sentence.

The 29-year-old, now of Fourth Avenue, Tang Hall, admitted using coercive and controlling behaviour in a relationship and assaulting a relative of his partner.

York Crown Court heard that he strangled, bit and assaulted his now former partner several times during more than two years of violence towards her.

Judge Sean Morris, the Recorder of York, called him a "bully and a barbarian".

Bruce told the court through his barrister he had been working long hours at the time and had made unreasonable demands in discipline and neatness at the couple's home.

York Press:

Also in jail is Tomasz Stempczynski, 24.

The convicted sex offender from The Waterfront, Selby, had been given a chance with a suspended prison sentence in August when he admitted several charges relating to indecent images of children.

But he defied the controls York Crown Court put in place to stop him reoffending within weeks.

When police investigated his latest crime, they discovered he had also breached interim controls put in place during their lengthy investigation that led to his August court appearance.

On his return to York Crown Court this week, he was jailed for two years and four months.

He admitted breaching a sexual harm prevention order, breaching an interim sexual harm prevention order and breaching a risk of sexual harm order.

York Press:

Down the road at York Magistrates Court, two drivers learnt why you have to obey traffic laws if you want to keep on the roads.

Both Ben James Rutherford and Jack David Ruddock are now serving 12-month driving bans after admitting driving with cannabis in their blood.

Police stopped moped rider Ben James Rutherford because he was wobbling and not riding in a straight line as he rode past them on February 23.

The teenager, who was 18 when he was stopped, of Kingsway North, Clifton, was fined £250 and ordered to pay £85 prosecution costs and an £32 statutory surcharge.

Ruddock, 24, of Lawrence Street, York, was stopped by police on James Street, York, at 11.45am on February 3.

He was fined £120 with £85 prosecution costs and a £32 statutory surcharge.