Former Labour councillor and York yoga teacher Anna Semlyen tells us why she decided to launch an erotic YouTube channel during lockdown

IN April, I took on a dare to film my saucy poems. A former semi-pro juggler I blend in other skills - songs, playing ukulele, yoga and dance. All 108 videos are free on Anna’s Authentic Arts YouTube.

Press journalist Maxine Gordon and I are friends. On meeting at an exercise class I mentioned my new hobby project. She wrote an article. The story got exposure in The Press, and in the nationals - The Mirror and Daily Star, plus Radio York and Yorkshire Livewire.

The media appear excited when an ex-politician makes soft porn videos. Sex sells! It’s got nothing to do with representing the electorate – a civic role I stood down from in 2015. I’m just being me online, representing myself – a 51 year old who loves word play, performing and campaigning.

All the publicity led to subscriptions to my YouTube channel more than doubling: to 370+ in a few days. Views rose 28,000 plus.

Why videos? In April my in-person work got Covid coshed. I used to teach several classes, private lessons, host Airbnb guests and lodgers.

Leisure options were, and still are, severely restricted. No open mics or parties. I’d love to dance tango and salsa!

No dating either left me lonely and disconnected - hard for a yoga teacher to admit. So rather than mope - I made extrovert videos.

Read more: "I've had 16,000 more views of my soft-porn YouTube channel"

Read more: Former York councillor sets up soft-porn YouTube channel to beat lockdown blues

Connection and authentic self expression are essential human needs.

My channel is a way to reach out. To engage digitally with friends and anyone interested. Especially now in these exceptionally weird times of rising loneliness, social distancing and bubbles.

Many are scared of even being with friends. When multiple rules restrict freedom of movement, community, hugs and touch, then freedom of speech is a key refuge.

With fun, feminist, short films of 2-3 minutes in length, I’m rhyming comedy truths on what most matters in life - like dating, mating, contraception, health, death, pleasure and leisure.

I'm also adding skills and self development tips on things such as tantra yoga. I amuse myself by Googling taboos. The most watched are on sex. It’s of universal interest. When doing pub poetry I found that everyone shut up and listened in a way they wouldn’t on other topics.

York Press: Anna's Authentic Arts on YouTubeAnna's Authentic Arts on YouTube

I also do pieces on feminism, witch hunts, climate change, dementia, dance, blasphemy, Covid, mental health and circus skills.

All flavoured with a huge dose of feminist empowerment.

I’m enjoying writing, directing, staring and producing my own solo films. They feature in-depth first-person opinions that I’ve researched or have experience of. With comedy props, costumes and extras like fire clubs!

My arts are exhibitionist, racy, outrageous and crafted. Are they harmful? No. Semi nudity is all within YouTube guidelines. I’m a normal size (12-14 BMI 24). Yes, bits wobble, my teeth aren’t perfect. Not a classic model, yet willing to celebrate my healthy form.

For 24 years I’ve taught yoga ( and I can giggle at myself too as a laughter teacher.

Our face and body language is a huge part of conscious self-expression. It’s shape, posture, curves, moves and fluidity.

My scripts are deeply honest perspectives - opening the lid on edgy conversations about taboos.

New videos get released on Facebook and the new Anna’s Authentic Arts instagram. I've posted two new ones – one on having sex for the first time with a new partner and a second on identity.

It’s a crazy year and some say I’m crazy to do this. But it’s not just escapism as the topics do matter.

York Press: Anna also teaches yoga in YorkAnna also teaches yoga in York

The feedback is that some love my bareface keeping it real approach.

My postman made a cheeky joke. The Press Facebook comments were mainly supportive - on the theme of 'why not?'.

Recent YouTube comments include “uniquely brilliant”, “inspired”, “refreshing and artistically done” “the standard is VERY high” “I learn something new” “great poem, beautifully read by a sexy woman”.

Fundamentally, it’s personal choice. We can’t please everyone. Yet, we must be allowed to be fully ourselves, express desire and live out loud!

By giving myself permission, it may encourage others to be liberated. Ladies especially must ask for what we want for our pleasure. Be brave. Just do or say it!

Writing is a joyful pastime. I’ve authored six books - three of poetry. Poems are beautiful, succinct ways to state thoughts with pleasant for the ear to hear sonorous sounds and alliteration.

I hoped my films would help find a boyfriend since meeting up in real life was difficult. I’ve met a guy from Tinder in August - a single household now in my bubble. There was plenty to discuss on our first date. And it helps me connect with friends who’ve told me what they think of the issues.

My next film will be a bonfire night piece called Never Give Up.

What’s next? Anyone can commission a bespoke poem. There will be a book of the YouTube poems. I’m setting up a Patreon funder [a way for fans to help support artists]. Please offer suggestions and collaborate.