A YORK charity is working to keep festive spirits alive by organising a range of Covid secure activities, including a window display trail.

Every December, York Cares traditionally engages employer and employee-volunteers from across York in a range of different seasonal activities.

However, this year they have been forced to change their approach to ensure safety against Covid-19.

One way York Cares has come up with to spread some socially-distanced cheer has been to organise a window display trail created by residents living in local Independent Living Communities.

Using funding from the Aviva Foundation, as part of their Social Connections activity, the charity has put together craft kits and assigned residents one of the 12 days of Christmas to use as inspiration for a display in their window, that can also be enjoyed by the community.

York Cares employer members have also been offered the opportunity to take part in the collections, where an employer will be matched with a local charity looking for items to be donated for those in our community who are most in need.

To get involved with the activities, contact: info@Yorkcares.co.uk