YORK'S 'long lost' cinemas never fail to conjure up memories for readers.
Last week, we shared an archive photograph of Fairfax House - when it was St George's cinema.
And today, here is a photo of The Grand cinema, Clarence Street, in 1958 - the year it closed.
According to records, The Grand Picture House opened shortly after the end of the First World War - in November 1919. Its first movie was silent movie Comradeship with with Lily Elsie.
The Grand was the third venue in York purpose-built to show movies. 
Originally, it had a ballroom on the first floor and cafe on the ground floor. 
The auditorium at the back ran parallel to Clarence Street.
The Grand Cinema closed on February 1, 1958 with Alan Ladd in The Gun Runner. 
The ballroom continued as Christie’s Ballroom. 
The building was damaged by a fire, and part of it was used as a car showroom for a while. 
After demolition, most of the site was used as a car park.
What are your memories of York's 'lost' cinemas? Share them on our Facebook group Why We Love York - Memories, click here to join today!