I am not usually one to praise huge corporations. However, I was very pleased to read about Asda's move to fine people for abusing the use of disabled and parent parking bays (Supermarket to fine custokmers, The Press, January 11).

I used to work at Jessops, across the road from Asda. When I sometimes went to get my lunch it used to infuriate me that people would just pull up in these bays and not give a damn.

Then you would see people with disabilities and children having to come from the far reaches of the car park, weaving uncomfortably in and out of the commuters coming in and going out of the car park, to make sure they did not get hurt in an accident.

Such a move to fine customers is not in ASDA's financial interest, but in its moral interest and it should be applauded.

I hope Tesco, Sainsbury's, Morrison's and other out-of-town shops follow suit.

But how about parking bays for older people?

Coun James Alexander, Prospective Labour MP for York Outer, Aldwark, York.