IN the latest edition of our look back through the archives, here are five cricket pictures from the past.

Pictured above, Malton players Ian Mosey and Richard Leigh, collecting their bowling and batting trophies during a dinner held at the Bower’s Restaurant in 1973. Also pictured is Steve Woodhall, chairman of the Malton Cricket Club.

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York Press: MALTON AN XI 1971

MALTON AN XI 1971: Back, from left: P Woodall, R Wain, G Welford, E Wood, J Adamson, K Davis. Front: B Coates, R Milson, J Hudson, R Leigh and R Green.


MALTON CRICKET CLUB 1973: Back, from left: R Milson, C Caygill, P Harris (senior), J Braithwaite, R Green, D Chapman. Front: G Croft, P Harris, junior (scorer), S Woodall, L Johnson, K Calvert and S Holtby.

York Press: MALTON CRICKET CLUB 1986MALTON CRICKET CLUB 1986: Back, from left: Mark Yates, Rod Long, Tony Linsley, Richard Scott, Mark Welford, Michael Taylor. Front: Doug Huzzard, Steve Coates, Tom Foxton (captain), Steve Holtby and Chris Dale.


York Press: MALTON CC 1992

MALTON CC 1992: Back, from left: M Yates, M Dade, A Wilson, R Scott, R Burley, A Linsley. Front: S Veysey, R Sherwood, R Long, J Foxton and C Dale.

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