A YORK-BASED war veteran has marked the 80th anniversary of the conscription of women as she is one of the last remaining female conscripts who helped to shape British history during wartime.

December 8 marks the 80th anniversary of the conscription of women during wartime - which meant women had to take part in compulsory enlistment for state service. Glasgow-born female veteran, Helen Jewitt, served during the Second World War - and has reflected on her experience of wartime.

Helen, now 103, received her call-up papers for National Service in 1942, heading to Edinburgh for her basic training.

She served all over the UK during her time in the ATS regiment, in which she worked as a cook for three years, including at Frinton-On-Sea, Essex, where she recalls hearing the "terrifying" sound of enemy V-1 bombs, known as doodlebugs, and waiting to hear the engine cut out before running for shelter. At their peak, over 100 a day were fired at south-east England.

As a cook, Helen said she was part of a team which fulfilled the saying "an army marches on its stomach."

She had originally signed up as a driver, but the forces were unable to teach her so she was sent to train as a cook. She said she found the work "easy" having spent her early life in domestic service and butchering work.

Helen recalls that one day a messenger arrived with some plans, and an officer called Helen into his office and showed her a diagram of a doodlebug. It turned out that this was the first time the British had any information on the bomb.

Helen’s final posting was York, where she was tasked with clothing the men who had been demobbed - learning to guess their sizes by eye. There, she met a young Denis Jewitt from Middlesborough, who became her husband after the Second World War and she went on to have five children with.

Now aged 103, Helen is still living in York. She is a member of the WRAC Association, the national military charity which supports women who served in the ATS and Women's Royal Army Corps.

Helen said she feels that women should have "better recognition" for their service - and her message to any young women joining today’s army is "enjoy yourselves."

Women of all ages, ranks and experience come together to share their stories and experience the camaraderie they once felt within their corps in the WRAC Association, whether they meet in person through the various branches and interest groups across the UK, or enjoy phone contact, benevolence support or the association magazine.

The association also works to highlight the disadvantages some women experience to this day as a result of their service.