SHE ran a club for elderly people in York for nearly seven decades.

And now nonagenarian Rene Braithwaite is about to get the public recognition she deserves.

Rene, who lives off Lawrence Street, was awarded the British Empire Medal last June at the age of 96.

Because of the pandemic, however, she wasn't quite sure when she would be presented with it.

Now a date has fixed. Rene will be receive her medal from the Queen's representative in North Yorkshire - the county's Lord-Lieutenant Jo Ropner - during evensong at St Lawrence Parish Church on Sunday February 20.

Rene, who was born in St Lawrence’s parish in 1924, helped her mother Annie ‘Ciss’ Milner run the WRVS-led “Darby and Joan” club for elderly people after the Second World War, providing outings, teas and special events in what was then the Adult School in James Street.

When James Street was re-developed, they were invited to move the club to St Lawrence’s Church Hall and it became The Lawrence Street Over Sixties Club.

It continued to run at 2pm every Monday until spring 2020, when the Covid pandemic forced it to close for a while.

Until then, the only time Rene didn't attend was after she fell at Christmas time when she was 90.

The church’s priest-in-charge, Fr Adam Romanis, told The Press last year that he was ‘thrilled’ her hard work for the church and community had been recognised.

“An unbelievable volume of cakes and goodies has flowed from her tiny kitchen over many decades,” he said.

All are welcome to attend evensong at the church at 6.30pm on February 20 to see Rene receive her medal.