PUPILS at two primary schools got to build their own robots thanks to a partnership with a local firm.

The youngster built their own robots from recycled materials as part of an initiative developed by Drax to boost STEM education and skills.

The Visitor Centre Team at Drax Power Station has developed the STEM box project, an engaging activity for students to take part in relating to the subject areas of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths.

  Students aged between seven and eleven at Camblesforth Primary Academy and Selby Community Primary School, were provided with individual activity boxes containing a range of learning materials, games and resources they will need to build their robots, the focus of which is on recycling and forms part of their school curriculum.

The robots are made from recyclable materials that can be found around the house such as bottles, tin cans and cardboard and have been designed to carry out recycling tasks such as having magnetic hands to pick up metal, or built-in compartments to store paper.

To launch the project, students received a presentation from visitor centre guides on recycling and the role everyone plays ensuring the correct waste items enter recycling schemes.

Drax Director of Sustainability, Alan Knight, said: “By providing schools with these resources we hope to further students’ understanding of the importance of recycling and hopefully fire up their imaginations and inspire them to study STEM subjects by showing them the wide range of career options that are available.”

Camblesforth Community Primary Academy teacher Georgia Wynn said: “The students had a great time taking part in the STEM box programme, learning about Drax, and building the recycling robots. Activities like these are so important as it really brings the subject to life and encourages students to start thinking about careers they might enjoy in the future.”

Selby Community Primary School teacher Louisa Currie said: "Creating their amazing robots really sparked the children's enthusiasm for STEM and drew their focus to the importance of recycling.

"We look forward to continuing to work with Drax on projects such as this.”

Drax has a long tradition of supporting education and helping to inspire the next generation of engineers by encouraging interest in STEM subjects.

The renewable energy company offers a number of other initiatives to support STEM education and skills including virtual tours of Drax’s power stations, STEM workshops in schools, work experience and providing laptops with free internet access.

Selby School is part of Selby Educational Trust a multi academy trust, and Camblesforth belongs to Ebor Multi Academy Trust.