Andrew Richards, 25, is police officer from York and is a keen member of The Press Camera Club. Here, in our regular feature on Press Camera Club members, he tells us more about his passion and shares his favourite photos

When and why did you take up photography?

I took up photography at the age of about ten, when I had my dad's old 35mm Pentax thrust into my hands. The camera, and my dad, taught me the basics of shutter speeds, apertures and film asa. From then on it was the usual progression of saving and upgrading. At the time, photography was just the thing to do as a means of spending time with my dad. The spark itself when I combined my love of caving with photography.

Why do you love taking pictures?

Much more now. Photography is a means of escaping the stresses and strains of life. Particularly in taking landscapes, the hobby gives you the push to hike to some really stunning places. It's a great way of getting out in all weathers and clearing your mind.

What equipment do you use?

Lumix S1R, Canon 5D MK3 & Leica M4-2 35mm film camera.

What is the favourite picture you have taken?

Probably my photo of Gaping Gill with my good friend Lee. The place is a cathedral to caving, and thanks to our efforts in dragging all of my kit down there, it serves as such for light painted photography too!

Where is your favourite place to take photos?

Without question, the Lake District. Over the last couple of years my interest has shifted to landscape photography. There is just nowhere else in England with so much drama to shoot.

When and why did you join The Press Camera Club?

I joined the Press Camera Club approximately 12 months ago, purely as an outlet for some of my images. It seemed such a waste just to have them festering away in my hard drive.

If you could photograph anyone or any place who/what would it be and why?

If I could have photographed anything, it would have been the last shift leaving Kellingley Colliery; and what was left behind. The industrial history of this country is so important, and I would have loved to have captured such a sad event for the future generations to see.

What advice would you give anyone who wants to get into photography?

Just do it! Have a good look at some of the beginner's kits available from the likes of Canon and just have a go. It will change your life!

Anything else you wish to tell us?

My website: Instagram: @_tymphotography

Join The Press Camera Club

More than 2,000 readers have joined The Press Camera Club, which launched in June 2017. Members share their work, swap tips and take part in themed monthly prize competitions.

To join the free club, simply search for ‘The Press Camera Club’ on Facebook - we’d love to see what our region looks like through your lens.

Every day we will feature pictures from our camera club on our letters pages.

If you like seeing photos of York, please follow us on Instagram too