PEOPLE tend to take TV soaps seriously, as evidenced by the number of actors who play reprehensible types revealing how they are regularly accosted and chastised at the fruit and veg counter for their on-screen and utterly fictional crimes.

Whether we can learn anything from soaps is, however, a moot point. For example, given current storylines, you would have thought the only guidance one could take from Coronation Street is in how to spend a frankly unnecessary amount of the working day in the boozer or how to cop off with your erstwhile brother-in-law.

But the recent demise of Corrie stalwart Vera Duckworth has led Age Concern York to send out a serious message about the power of soapworld - that it should show older people the importance of planning ahead for their funeral.

As Weatherfield watchers - and, let's face it, just about everybody else - will be only too tear-jerkingly aware, Vera passed away in her sleep just over a week ago, since when her Street hubby Jack has had the ordeal of organising her funeral without any indication of what she might have wished.

Age Concern York says it highlights the fact that less than two per cent of people pre-plan their funeral, despite the fact that doing so would lessen the emotional stress of a loved one's death and make financial sense, with the average cost of a cremation ceremony now estimated at more than £2,200, and expected to rise sharply in the next four years.

"Planning in advance does make good sense in terms of helping to relieve the organisational burden and stresses from family and loved ones when the time comes," said the York charity's Terry Cogan.

"Unfortunately, Vera Duckworth died very unexpectedly and didn't plan ahead, but if people do take care of plans beforehand, it enables them to know their arrangements are settled so they can get on with enjoying life.

"If you plan ahead, you can ensure your wishes are understood - from the service you would like to the readings and hymns."

Age Concern offers its own Funeral Plans, with no age restrictions, no medicals required and guaranteed acceptance.

For more information, phone 0800 731 0651, or visit your local Age Concern shop, or log on to