ANOTHER festival for the over 50s is set to be staged in York later this year.

Organisers say the York 50+ Festival has flourished since 2005, giving older people a chance to celebrate with younger people, to share events and skills, enjoy meeting other people with similar interests and to take up new hobbies for the rest of the year.

"There was a slight pause during Covid but, once released from the threat, over 80 events took place last year, in person and online," said spokeswoman Sue Lister.

"The festival came as a breath of fresh air to so many older people who had been isolated during the pandemic."

She said this year's festival would run from September 24 to October 2, with International Day of Older People on October 1 at its heart.

"If you or your group or organisation has a regular activity or one-off event or taster session that you could offer in the festival, now is your chance to be in the programme," she said.

She added that the deadline for inclusion is Sunday July 24, event forms could be found at and festival coordinator Mary Cannon could be emailed at or phoned on 01904 332613 or 07920 162034.